Why Having a Life Insurance Plan Is So Important
|Life insurance is important for many reasons, particularly the fact that it can provide financial assistance to your dependents, such as your spouse or children if you fall victim to illness or death. There have always been many uncertainties in life, but now, with our economy still struggling, this kind of insurance is especially important for everyone.
It is important to note that there are two types of insurance; term life and whole life. Term life insurance is the most affordable of the options, but the policy only lasts for a certain period of time. Many believe that term life insurance is an effective way to ensure one’s children during a stressful time.
A Very Small Monthly Investment
It’s important to keep in mind that insurance is a small investment that gives an individual a great deal of protection if unexpected circumstances do occur. Perhaps most importantly, insurance can give your spouse or your immediate family peace of mind; it’s important for them to know that if the unforeseen happens, they will be protected and provided for. Insurance can be particularly important given the high costs associated with funerals, which can wipe out your spouse’s or family’s savings very quickly. Plans can be arranged so that in the event of your death, your family will not be responsible for the cost of your funeral. Life insurance plans are also an effective and safe way to pass on an inheritance to your heirs.
Cash Value and Other Benefits to Life Insurance
Life insurance plans often have certain extra benefits, such as dividends, pensions, and cash value, that can make your life much easier. Keep in mind as well that the benefits from life insurance are exempt from bankruptcy. This makes insurance policies a safe place to put your savings. Most importantly, an insurance plan can also take care of credit cards, mortgage payments, outstanding debt, and car loans — expenses that might otherwise cost thousands of dollars.
In conclusion, some people might not know about all of its potential benefits, but life insurance can also be an asset. It can improve your credit rating and sometimes make it easier to get loans. Of course, nothing can replace a lost family member, but insurance can provide for the various uncertainties of life. Most importantly, even though no one knows when he or she will pass on, insurance can protect your family from the unknown and help them through a difficult and stressful time. If you’re looking to protect your family from financial uncertainties and to ensure peace of mind, it’s important to look into an insurance plan.
Steven Dallar is a financial planning expert who has been sharing his insights with his many followers through his blog for years.